Redefine the rules of engagement

Let others race to the bottom in terms of pricing and build strong competitive advantages based on our payment capabilities

How we address the

pain points of PSPs

With the advance of direct to merchant players and platforms like Stripe, Adyen, PayPal, etc, life for PSPs has become much more difficult:

Pure acquiring services have become a commodity and margins are under pressure

Regulatory pressure is increasing and card schemes policies are always changing and evolving

Client loyalty is ephemeral

Hardware POS is a thing of the past

Paynetics helps PSPs with significant growth ambitions to be more competitive in the acquiring space by driving additional value for their merchants, thus creating additional revenue streams for themselves.

  • Comprehensive suite of acquiring services – merchant onboarding, payment card industry data security standards (PCI DSS) compliance, fraud prevention and, dispute and risk management, tailored for each specific business model.
  • Beyond omnichannel – we have looked at the acquiring process from a different perspective by designing a central hub to serve all card acceptance needs. These include online digital payments as well as POS terminals. Most importantly, we have pioneered the latest technology in face-to-face acquiring, the software POS, which allows merchants to accept card payments on their mobiles or any other NFC enabled commercially available device.
  • We manage risk, we do not avoid riskwe stay abreast of all regulatory and scheme requirements and are able to serve new models as they develop. Examples include newly evolving businesses like crypto, CBD, digital goods, etc. Our team will work to find the best solution for your business to help mitigate fraud risks and boost sales at the same time. Our risk solutions are adapted to your business model and help you increase your sales potential while staying compliant with card schemes requirements.
  • Quick underwriting and onboardingwe offer an optimised and streamlined merchant underwriting process and quick transaction acceptance, giving a competitive edge to our partners.
  • Powerful APIs – convenient and easy-to-integrate APIs for your gateway.

Move away from a pure acquiring relationship

to a full banking relationship with your merchants

Our most important innovation is that we allow our PSP partners to redefine the relationship with their merchants. We give them the instruments to offer their merchants a full banking solution, thus substantially increasing loyalty and reducing churn. We arm them to compete successfully with the commercial banks and direct to merchant players like VivaWallet and MyPOS.

What we give our PSP partners in addition to acquiring:

Fully functional IBAN accounts to cover SEPA and UK payments, SWIFT to come shortly

Open banking connectivity

A corporate VISA or Mastercard

Lending facilitations

What does that mean for the merchants:

One stop financial services shop

Immediate settlement

Pay a lower cost for acquiring

Working capital financing



  • Problem/Challenge

DNA is one of the most dynamic newcomers of the acquiring scene in the UK. With substantial funding from Alchemy they have embarked on an acquisition spree of ISOs.

They needed an agile acquirer able to onboard a large number of merchants in a limited period of time.

As a next step they needed to differentiate from all the other acquiring providers and improve their unit economics.

  • Solution

Paynetics provided a one stop shop to serve both the UK and the EU, paving the way for Europe wide expansion. The API connectivity allowed quick onboarding and conversion of merchants to their new platform.

Paynetics provided DNA with white labeled corporate cards and accounts for their merchants.

Paynetics made available its lending facilitation module to help merchants access working capital financing from its lending partners.

  • Problem/Challenge

Fibonatix is a dynamic PSP focusing predominantly on e-commerce. They needed an acquiring partner who would understand the underlying risks and work closely with them to monitor and manage the risk of fraud and chargebacks.

Further, they wanted to provide additional services to the merchants to include cards and accounts. After having advanced discussions with other providers they realized that having all services under the same roof creates operational and economic benefits.


  • Solution

We worked closely with Fibonatix to develop the risk framework for higher risk models like crypto and CBD. This allowed them to be more competitive in winning new business.

Having the accounts and the cards from Paynetics would allow Fibonatix to improve its margins and drive better unit economics.

  • Problem/Challenge

Ecomm365 is a leading Irish PSP focused on SME merchants in Ireland. They needed a cost-efficient solution for merchant payouts to be out in place quickly.


  • Solution

Paynetics managed to underwrite and onboard the company in one week and within 10 days all merchants payouts were done through the Paynetics SEP connection.

  • Problem/Challenge

Global Primex is a leading provider of prepaid vouchers and cards in Europe and the US. They needed a partner who understands the model and can navigate the regulations and scheme requirements.


  • Solution

We worked closely with Global to develop the risk framework for their business model. This allowed them to grow the business in a sustainable and robust way.